Ecosystem Table

From No Man's Sky Discoveries

Ecosystem Tables are used by the game code to generate species of fauna on worlds.

Every world's ecosystems have tables assigned to them which determine which specific creatures will exist there, as well as their statistics such as size and spawn rate. These tables are regulated by ecosystem Archetypes, each of which generate species from one or more ecosystem tables.

Ground Tables

Weird Ground Tables

Game data suggests that weird tables can happen on Low, Mid, or Full Fauna worlds.

Flying Tables

Underground Tables

Underwater Tables

Additional Information

  • The ecosystem subtype descriptors were extracted from the 3.12 version of BIOMEFILENAMES.MBIN game file by pc player Ertosi.
  • See Outdated Ecosystem Tables for listings of additional, unused ecosystem tables.
  • Pre-Origins, the most fauna slots a world could theoretically have would be 19 (950 ). To score that high, a world would need the Busy Ground Table which has 8 ground creatures, a full Underground ecosystem with all 3 possible spawns, a full Underwater ecosystem which passed the 50% chance to include a Prionace species, and the Busy Air Table which is the only Flying ecosystem which has a chance for 3 aerial species.
  • Pre-Origins did not have the Big Bird Air Table. At that time the available air tables, and their relative selective chances, were as follows: Common (55), Common Lizard (10), Common Snake (5), Busy (20), Flying Lizard Only (5), and Flying Snakes Only (5).
  • The Plant Cat Herbivore, Plant Cat Predator, Arthropod Herbivore, Arthropod Predator, and Walking Building ground tables were added with the Worlds update.
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