Eras are time periods in the No Man's Sky universe.
Era is often used to describe each named update, for describing the Pathfinder update as an era. Era is more appropriately used to describe groupings of similar named updates, such as the Release era which could encompass everything from the initial game release through the Atlas Rises update. Historically new eras synchronize with the large anniversary updates.
Suggested Eras
Release Era
The Release Era would cover the Release, Foundation, and Pathfinder updates. While some worlds were replaced between theses updates, and some creatures renamed, overall the universe remained intact.
Version | Update name | Release date | Features |
1.00 | Release | August 8, 2016 | Initial game release. |
1.10 | Foundation | November 26, 2016 | First major update. Introduced bases and freighter ownership. |
1.20 | Pathfinder | March 8, 2017 | Introduced planetary vehicles and base sharing. |
Atlas Rises Era
The Atlas Rises update reset many worlds, added Exotic worlds and altered the appearance of most existing worlds. Naming conventions for systems, worlds, and creatures for the most part remained the same as previous versions. The Discoveries tab was updated but remains more similar to previous game versions than subsequent versions. Most creatures survived from the previous update into this one, but many were found with slightly altered names. Overall, enough changed with the Atlas Rises update to justify it being a separate era. This makes it unique in that it is the only No Man's Sky era comprised of a single update, but it is also unique as it was the only major update released for the entirety of a year.
Due to most creatures surviving intact from Pathfinder to Atlas Rises, and due to Atlas Rises otherwise being by itself, for the purposes of this wiki it is currently included with the previous updates as part of the Release Era.
Version | Update name | Release date | Features |
1.30 | Atlas Rises | August 11, 2017 | One year anniversary update. Introduced working portals and basic multiplayer as glitches. Overhauled and greatly expanded central storyline. Introduced Traveller race, crashed freighters, guilds, and guild missions. Expanded system generation with economies and system trading. Added Exotic ships and an early version of Exotic worlds. Added gas harvesters, autonomous mining units, and terrain editing. Overhauled the Analysis Visor and Discoveries tab. Atmospheric low flight assist added. Greatly improved space combat, ship maneuverability, and pirate AI. Added new HUD and communicator for space combat. |
Next Era
The Next update brought drastic changes to planetary terrain generation and increased their colour selections possible with its new colour mapping system. The Next update also introduced Empty and Abandoned systems as well as a new name generation system for planets, ships, weapons, and creatures. This new name generation system altered creatures from having two full names to the current naming system used where the first name is a simple initialed letter. Creature heights and weights shown were reduced from two decimal places to the current one at this time.
Version | Update name | Release date | Features |
1.50 | Next | July 24, 2018 | Two year anniversary update. Expanded multiplayer features. Added community events. Introduced the Galactic Atlas website. Base building allowed anywhere on worlds. Multiple bases permitted. True low flight on worlds permitted. Added third person view. Character customization added. Added frigate fleets. All crafting resources reworked. Deployable tech can be picked up. Procedural tech added for Exosuit, Multi-Tool, and Starships. Analysis visor enhanced to current version and UI overhauled. Added marketplace to space stations. Increased variety in creature descriptions. Increased variety in planetary weather descriptions. |
1.70 | Abyss | October 29, 2018 | Added diversity to Underwater terrain and spawns. |
1.75 | Visions | November 22, 2018 | Expanded Exotic biome types, each with unique exotic fauna. Added archaeology, salvageable scrap, storm crystals, and rainbows. Expanded hazardous plant variety. Added Rock Creatures. |
Beyond Era
The Beyond update was larger than any previous No Man's Sky updates. It brought significant quality of life changes and many new additions to the game, but left the universe relatively intact.
Version | Update name | Release date | Features |
2.00 | Beyond | August 14, 2019 | Three year anniversary update. Introduced virtual reality support. Expanded Space Anomaly into a social hub for up to 16 players. Multiplayer expanded to include full character models. Improved Voice and Networking interface to allow grouping. Added new substance Catalogue. Blueprints restructured into tech trees. Discovery page overhauled allowing for greater detail. Planetary charts added. Dynamic (traveling) NPCs and new dialogues added. Alien language learning enhanced. Creature riding, baits, and harvesting added. New cooking flora added to world gen. Base building great expanded. Base power system added. Chairs may now be sat upon. |
2.20 | Synthesis | November 28, 2019 | Extensive quality of life improvements and features. |
2.30 | Living Ship | February 19, 2020 | Introduced living ships. |
2.40 | ExoMech | April 7, 2020 | Introduced the Exo Mech hybrid exocraft. |
2.50 | Crossplay | June 11, 2020 | Added true cross-platform support and a friends list. |
2.60 | Desolation | July, 17 2020 | Added boardable derelict freighters. |
Origins Era
The Origins update added much to the universe with new planets being found in most systems. Terrain variations greatly increased but left existing worlds mostly intact as the new 'Prime' mountainous versions was only applied to new worlds. A complete wipe of all existing fauna species meant all previously existing species became extinct. The greater No Man's Sky community reset the Fauna Hall of Fame, moving its previous incarnation to a legacy version. The Origins Era includes the current version of the No Man's Sky universe.
Version | Update name | Release date | Features |
3.00 | Origins | September 23, 2020 | Four year anniversary update. (unlisted) Expanded world-gen variations and reset all creature spawns. Added Swamp, Lava, and Infested worlds. New planets added to existing systems. Added colossal planetary buildings and archives. Added Anomalous buildings to exotic and abandoned worlds. Binary and Trinary stars added. Sandworms added. User interface overhauled. Many new creature classes added including insects and wild robots. Clouds, weather variety, and storms greatly improved and expanded. Added gravitational anomalies, tornadoes, lightning, and firestorms. Added shooting stars, meteor impacts, and meteor storms. Improved teleporter usage and options. Streamlined crafting process and ingredients. Expanded planetary terrain options and details. Added planetary NPC encounters and black market traders. Added Exploration Guide to Mission Log. Portal interference has been lifted. Multi-Tool Upgrade Station added to space stations. |
3.10 | Next Generation | November 10, 2020 | Extensive graphical enhancements. |
3.20 | Companions | February 17, 2021 | Introduced creature adoption and the Egg Sequencer. |