Galactic Address

From No Man's Sky Discoveries

Galactic Addresses are obtained by placing and using a Signal Booster while on a world.

Signal Booster Coordinates

Signal booster coordinates are displayed as a string of letters and numbers divided by colons into five sections. The first section can be composed of any letters while the remaining four are hexadecimal numbers. The first section can have up to five digits while the remaining each always have four. Signal booster coordinates follow the following formula of GEOHASH:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ:0SSI.

  1. Geohash: Varies by location on world; four to five digits in length.
  2. X: Measures galactic East and West.
  3. Y: Measures galactic Up and Down.
  4. Z: Measures galactic North and South
  5. Solar System Index: Notated as SSI; identifies a particular system within a region.

The X, Y, and Z coordinates within a single region will match for all systems within that region. The Solar System Index coordinates then identify specific systems within that region. Certain Solar System Indexes identify special features which will always be found in their associated systems. These are 0079 and 007A which identify systems with a Black Hole and Atlas Station respectively.

Recording Coordinates

When recording coordinates for a system page, do not include the Geohash section.

When recording coordinates for a region page, do not include the Geohash or Solar System Index sections. The Solar System Index section should be replaced with XXXX to signify its variable nature.

Geohash Research

Research into decoding the Geohash portion of signal booster coordinates have yet to yield any results. The coordinates do not seem to increase or decrease in a recognizable pattern when moving position. Up to six different Geohash readings have been found at the same X and Y coordinates as seen from a Visor Scan, although the same reading will always be seen when placing them in the exact same position. Given the low number of possible different readings and how quickly the readings change when even slightly changing position, the study believes Geohash coordinates might repeat for each region of a world. Due to their unordered readings and how swiftly location can change them, players are advised to consider this part of signal booster coordinates to effectively be semi-random, unlike geohash coordinates in real life.

Galactic Center

The center of the galaxy would equate to galactic coordinates of 800 X by 800 Z. This would read on a signal booster as Geohash:0800:YYYY:0800:0SSI.

Galactic Directions

  • North: Galactic North follows the Z axis in a negative direction.
  • South: Galactic South follows the Z axis in a positive direction.
  • East: Galactic East follows the X axis in a positive direction.
  • West: Galactic West follows the X axis in a negative direction.
  • Up: Galactic Up follows the Y axis in a negative direction.
  • Down: Galactic Down follows the Y axis in a positive direction.


Quadrants are a standardized way of dividing a galaxy into quarters, each radiating from galactic center and split upon the major axes.

  • Alpha Quadrant: Any coordinate less than both 800 X and 800 Z falls in this quadrant. Equates to the galactic Northwestern quarter of a galaxy.
  • Beta Quadrant: Any coordinate greater than 800 X and less than 800 Z falls in this quadrant. Equates to the galactic Northeastern quarter of a galaxy:
  • Delta Quadrant: Any coordinate greater than both 800 X and 800 Z falls in this quadrant. Equates to the galactic Southeastern quarter of a galaxy.
  • Gamma Quadrant: Any coordinate less than 800 X and greater than 800 Z falls in this quadrant. Equates to the galactic Southwestern quarter of a galaxy.
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