Edit Region Form: Irjorm

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(Mandatory parameter.)
Image: Upload file
16:9 aspect ratio is preferred. To most easily achieve this, crop the top left corner of a screenshot from the galaxy Map to capture the galaxy minimap. The following crop sizes are provided for common screen resolutions: 528x297 for HD, 704x396 for QHD, or 1056x594 for 4k. For different screen resolutions, using the equivalent is appreciated.)

(NOTE: See Quadrants for information on determining a region's quadrant.)


(NOTE: As retrieved from a Signal Booster. See Galactic Address for more information.)

Glyphs: (0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, A:A, B:B, C:C, D:D, E:E, F:F)
First documented by:
Date first Documented:
Other info:
Originally discovered by:
Was discoverer a member of civ?: NOTE: Only selecting No has any effect; if not No, then leave setting alone (i.e. on None).
Original date of discovery:
Former name: (NOTE: If this region was studied during the Release Era, place its original procedural name here.)

Body text: (NOTE: Only add bulleted points to the Additional Information section.)
