Edit Creature Form: Maerr-Regn Jabberwocky

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(Mandatory parameter; use the creature's currently uploaded name.)
Original name:
(NOTE: Will be the same as Name unless a species was renamed after discovery.)
Image: Upload file
(NOTE: Reserved for camera images; Scans and Discoveries tab screenshots belong in Gallery section. 16:9 aspect ratio is preferred.)
Class: (Mandatory parameter)
(NOTE: This class does not have subtypes.)
(NOTE: This class can either be of the Standard or Flocking subtypes.)
(NOTE: Antelope are either of the Standard, Two-Legged, or Robotic subtypes.)
(NOTE: Beetles are either of the Standard or Flying subtypes.)
(NOTE: Butterflies are either of the Flocking or Large subtypes.)
(NOTE: Cats can be of the Standard, Bipedal, Predator, Six-Legged, Bone, or Plant subtypes.)
(NOTE: Cows can be of the Standard, Bipedal, Floating, Six-Legged, or Swimming subtypes.)
(NOTE: Grunts can be either the Standard or Floating subtypes.)
(NOTE: Rodents can be either the Standard or Swimming subtypes.)
(NOTE: Sharks can be either the Whale or Eel subtypes.)
(NOTE: Spiders can be either the Standard or Floating subtypes.)
(NOTE: Trexes can be either the Standard or Alien subtypes.)
(NOTE: Weirds can be of the Rolling, Floating, Crystal, or Butterfly subtypes.)
(NOTE: Flying Snakes and Sandworms can be of the Standard, Wormlike, or Rare subtypes.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cat or Cow classes can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cat class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Weird class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cow, Grunt, Spider, or Weird classes can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Bird, Butterfly, or Fish classes can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Beetle class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Butterfly class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Trex class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Antelope class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Shark class can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cat or Cow classes can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Jellyfish class can have this subtype.
(NOTE: Most creature types can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cow or Rodent classes can have this subtype.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Flying Snake or Sandworm classes can have this subtype.)
Subtype 2:
(NOTE: Only creatures with Class:Butterfly and Subtype:Flocking use this parameter.)
(NOTE: Only creatures that are abnormally pale or white have this theme.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Triceratops class have this theme. All "Diplos" are Diplo-headed themed and of the Triceratops class.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Grunt class can have this theme.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cat (Bone subtype only), Spider, Strider, or Trex classes can have this theme. Blobs or Protoflyers shaped like mushrooms do not count.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Cat, Shark (Whale subtype only), or Trex classes can have this theme. They must have a single long, thin, spiraling horn on their head to be of this theme. A short, thick rhino-like horn does not count.)
(NOTE: Only creatures of the Antelope (Two-Legged subtype only), Cat, Strider, or Trex classes can have this theme. Classes that normally have wings do not count.)
Ecosystem: (Mandatory parameter)
(NOTE: This creature's class can only be found in the Ground ecosystem.)
(NOTE: Species of this class can be found in either the Ground or Underground ecosystems.)
(NOTE: This creature's class can only be found in the Flying ecosystem.)
(NOTE: This creature's class can only be found in the Underwater ecosystem.)
(NOTE: Rodent species of the Standard subtype can be found in either the Ground or Underground ecosystems, while those of the Swimming subtype are always found Underwater.)
(NOTE: Cow species of the Swimming subtype can only be found in the Underwater ecosystem, while cows of all other subtypes are only found in the Ground ecosystem.)
(NOTE: While they may be encountered in any ecosystem, Rock Creatures and Sandworms should always be set to the Ground ecosystem.)
(NOTE: Young member's of this creature's class can never be found.)
Gender 1:
Gender 2:
Behaviour: NOTE: As listed when using a visor to scan creature.
(NOTE: Rock Creatures always have the Behaviour of Easily startled.)
Diet: NOTE: As listed when using a visor to scan creature.
(NOTE: Rock Creatures always have the Diet of Mostly rocks.)
Weight (Max): (NOTE: Do not add 'kg' to amount entered.)
Weight (Min): (NOTE: If this species does not have a weight range, use the same number as for Weight parameter. Do not add 'kg' to amount entered.)
Height (Max): (NOTE: Do not add 'm' to amount entered.)
Height (Min): (NOTE: If this species does not have a height range, use the same number as for Weight parameter. Do not add 'm' to amount entered.)
Notes: NOTE: As listed when using a visor to scan creature.
(NOTE: Rock Creatures always have the Notes of Limited sentience.)
  Warning! This creature is dangerous and will attack without provocation.
(NOTE: Assumed No if left on None; Selecting No is only needed for carnivorous species.)
Planetary body: NOTE: Used for whatever planetary body creature lives on, be it a planet or moon.
Discovered by:
Discovery date:
Platform: (Mandatory parameter)
Mode: (Mandatory parameter)
Sandworm stats:
Worm class:
Clade info:
Head 1:
Body 1:
Wings 1: (NOTE: Also use this parameter for creature types having Fins instead of Wings: Fish, Sharks, etc.)
Tail 1:
Crown 1:
Head 2:
Body 2:
Wings 2: (NOTE: Also use this parameter for creature types having Fins instead of Wings: Fish, Sharks, etc.)
Tail 2:
Crown 2:
Glitch info:
Extinct: (NOTE: Yes or leave blank if No. See Extinction for more information.)
Missing: (NOTE: Is creature possibly extinct? Yes or leave blank if No. See Extinction for more information.)
Lazarus: (NOTE: Yes or leave blank if No. See Lazarus Species for more information.)
Emergent: (NOTE: Yes or leave blank if No. See Emergent Species for more information.)
Divergent: (NOTE: Yes or leave blank if No. See Divergent Species for more information.)
Divergent count:
Polymorphic: (NOTE: Yes or leave blank if No. See Polymorphic Creature for more information.)
Polymorphic count:
Glitch: (NOTE: Is creature otherwise glitched? Yes or leave blank if No.)
Other info:
NOTE: Made obsolete by Companions update; no longer used for new species entries.
Discoverer member of owning civ?: NOTE: Only selecting No has any effect; if not No, then leave setting alone (i.e. on None).
Rediscovery date:
NOTE: Only use if creature had to be reuploaded an additional time because the original discovery date did not save.
Last seen:
NOTE: Only use if creature spotted again on a subsequent survey mission during a later game version.
Chrono: (NOTE: Was creature discovered on a Chronoproject mission? Yes or leave blank if No.)
Chrono date:
NOTE: Only use this if this creature was discovered as part of a Chronoproject mission.

Body text: (NOTE: Only change the names of files in Gallery, remove any unused lines in Gallery, or add bulleted points to the Additional Information section.)
